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Holiday Closure

All Hauraki Libraries will be CLOSED from 12 noon Tuesday 24 December 2024, reopening with normal hours from 6 January 2025. All our digital offerings including eBooks, eAudiobooks, ePress (eMagazines and eNewspapers) will be available during our close down period.

Free Wi-Fi and Computers

Te Ahokore Utukore me ngā Rorohiko

We have a number of computers at all three of our branches available for public use, thanks to the Aotearoa People’s Network Kaharoa (APNK). Access to Wi-Fi and the use of our computers are available free of charge.


To log in to the computers, you can use your Library Card Number and Passcode, or get a Guest Pass from the Staff at the front counter. Computer access is generally limited to 30 minutes per session per day. Exceptions can be made depending upon computer availability. Please talk to our Library Staff if needed.

Bring your own devices

You can bring your own device and use our free Wi-Fi.

Printing is also available direct from your device, at a cost. Speak to a staff member if you need assistance with this.

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